Yaquina Art Gallery Wall Spotlight Show featuring the artwork of Catherine Hingson and Diana Perez-Moya – September 29th to October 12th

YAA Spotlight

In a two week Wall Spotlight Show from September 29th to October 12th, the Yaquina Art Association will be featuring the artwork of Catherine Hingson and Diana Perez-Moya. The Yaquina Art Association Gallery is located in Nye Beach at 789 NW Beach Drive. Hours of operation are 11 am to 4 pm every day.

Catherine Hingson’s art shines with her colorful loose landscapes of our coastal scenery.

Hingson, a painter for over 30 years, resides in Depoe Bay where she gathers inspiration from the beautiful Oregon coast. “I love living and working with the people of the central Oregon coast, a place of whales and rainbows!”

Catherine likes to experiment with different techniques and various mediums to create a unique view of Northwest landscapes. Hingson shows her work in the Nye Beach Gallery operated by members of the Yaquina Art Association.

She is also showing at the Pacific Artists’ Co-op Gallery in Lincoln City, the Beachstone Gallery, and is a member of the Lincoln City Cultural Center where she also participates with shows including the Art on the Edge Studio Tour. As a teacher and workshop instructor she enjoys facilitating a free and easy style that is appealing to all levels. Her next workshop is October 27th , at the Artists’ Studio Association, go to asaart.net/classes to register.

For more information about Catherine Hingson, artist, visit playfulpaintbrush.com and pacificartco-op.com or email her: playfulpaintbrush@gmail.com.

Diana Pérez- Moya grew up in Bogotá, Colombia and moved to Oregon in 1999 bringing with her the shine of the tropical colors.

When she was 13 she discovered her love for color and art while taking oil classes with the well-known Spanish painter Pepe Garcia. She studied different art mediums at the Universidad de los Andes, Casa Fabricato and Arturo Tejada Cano School in Bogotá.

She is interested in upcycling and giving old things a new purpose as you will see in her collages – frames and oyster painted shells, conks and mirrors. Her work includes oils, acrylics and, glossies.


"Playful" by Catherine Hingson

“Playful” by Catherine Hingson


"Forest" by Diana Perez

“Forest” by Diana Perez


"Mermaid" by Diana Perez

“Mermaid” by Diana Perez


"Wave" by Diana Perez

“Wave” by Diana Perez


"Whales on Shell" by Diana Perez

“Whales on Shell” by Diana Perez