YAQUINA ART ASSOCIATION ARTIST SHOW – September 28 – October 11, 2024, 11am-4pm. Andree Devine and Walt Duvall Photographers

YAA Spotlight

Nature photographer Andree Devine will give us a closer look at coastal, urban and migratory birds in her 2024 Yaquina Art Association spotlight show.

Bird watchers and bird photographers have long been noting the changes they observe among our avian planet mates — from deviations in the times of year that migrating birds arrive and depart, to increased seabird mortality events and overall changes in bird populations. Why does this matter? Because humans and birds have the same requirements for survival: a healthy environment, nutritious food, and clean air and water. There is no question that human activity is having an impact on birds, both locally and globally, sometimes in very distressing ways. By presenting an intimate look at the birds around us, Andree hopes to inspire people to delve into the actions, even the small ones, that can benefit birds and wildlife.

About the Photographer

Andree’s interest in art and photography started early, being influenced by the work of her mixed media artist mom and her mom’s artist and photographer friends. However, honing her photographic skills beyond the basics didn’t begin until she became a certified scuba diver over 30 years ago. “I really wanted to capture quality images and not just snapshots of the wonder beneath the waves. Being surrounded by the beauty of colorful, irreplaceable reef environments, as well as the animals that call these places home, made me want to share the experience with others who don’t have as close of a relationship with the underwater world.”

As life sometimes goes, unforeseen circumstances meant that dive travel would need to be postponed for a year or two. And then, COVID happened. With all the extra time at home, Andree turned her attention to birds as one way to keep her photography skills sharp; she quickly became captivated by this new photographic subject. But there was a lot to learn to be a good bird photographer, and the skills required were the opposite of those needed for underwater photography and even landscape photography. With study and practice, Andree developed her capabilities to be able to capture these fast moving and sometimes unpredictable creatures.

While other subjects do catch her photographic eye, Andree finds her joy in capturing the never to be repeated moments that nature gifts us daily. She is planning to get back under the sea soon, with the bonus of including bird photography in future dive travel itineraries.

Walter Duvall has a passion in life: to photograph the beauty of our surroundings with a unique perspective. Here he explores nature’s colors, shapes, designs and shifting light. 

As a young man he was inspired by Ansel Adams with his majestic black and white land and seascapes. The love affair with natural images continues now for over 59 years. 

He has been published, both in magazines and brochures, won local and international awards, and has donated his time and talent to the Alaska Raptor Center, Sitka Conservation Society, Oregon Coast Community Forrest Association and Newport Fishermen’s Wives, to help promote their non-profit images in their various communities. His work has found homes across the country.

“My photography is influenced by three professional photographers” explains Duvall. “First, from Ansel Adams who said, ‘You don’t take a photograph, you make it; David Middleton who taught me, ‘Don’t settle for mediocrity’ and ‘Watch the edges of your image’, lastly Art Wolfe who told me, ‘Don’t take a postcard, look for art in a scene’. These words,” states Duvall, “follow me every time I venture out to record the beauty surrounding us.”

In the 1970s, he took correspondence courses through the New York Institute of Photography and has continued to seek photographic knowledge through workshops, seminars and online courses. Among his teachers are Art Wolfe, Mark Adamus, David Middleton and Brenda Berry. He is an active member of Photographers Scavenger Hunt, an international group of photographers, our Yaquina Art Association Photographers (YAAP) who encourages so many to evolve and also the Oregon Central Cost Photography Group.

The Yaquina Art Association Gallery is located in Nye Beach at 789 NW Beach Drive. Hours of operation are 11 am to 5 pm every day. Interested in becoming a member of the Yaquina Art Association? We offer free classes, too. Please visit our gallery in Nye Beach for more. YAA has been serving over 130 local artists for over 75 years.

“Wintering Whimbrel” by Andree Devine
“Action Hero Black Oystercatcher” by Andree Devine
“Lazuli-In-Lupine” by Andree Devine
Andree Devine
“Hunter’s Full Moon” by Walt Duvall
“Ambassador Portal Sunset” by Walt Duvall
“Heceta Head Beach Lighthouse” by Walt Duvall
“Pre Sturgeon Moonrise” by Walt Duvall
“Lighthouse Rainbow” by Walt Duvall
“Aurora Borealis” by Walt Duvall