Yaquina Art Association artist showcase Sylvia Hosie & Luella Hartwell July 20 – August 2, 2024

YAA Spotlight

Sylvia A. Hosie is an award winning fine art photographer whose work ranges from nature to equine to travel. Two life-long passions have been animals and art in many forms, often combining the two. Her photographic journey began in 1981 when she learned how to develop and print her black and white photographs. Today the digital revolution has allowed her to give a looser, more stylized look to some of her images.

This Spotlight Show will include many of her favorite images: birds, horses, and ICM images. ICM, intentional camera movement is a genre of photography where the photographer purposely moves the camera while using a slow shutter speed. The speed can vary from 1/15 of a second to several seconds in length. The results are a softer, more fluid image. In addition to prints coffee mugs and cards will be available.

A new avenue she is exploring is a composite of her animal portraits with a watercolor or acrylic abstract background. “I choose my colors based on the photograph and then begin painting, dripping, and splashing paint around. If it works with my vision I will photograph the painting and then in the computer blend it with the photograph. It is really hit or miss, but a fun project“, says Hosie.

Professional organizations include the Professional Photographers of America, Photographic Society of America, Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest, and the Yaquina Art Association Photographers.

Luella Hartwell

The infinite beauty of nature, the wonderful variety of flowers, trees, ocean waves, peaceful forests and roads less traveled, have been the inspiration for Luella Hartwell’s artistic endeavors. She uses pastel, acrylic, ink and watercolor to depict and preserve the beauty she encounters and enjoys. Being a member of Yaquina Art Association has provided her the opportunity to be able to produce art in a wonderful atmosphere with like-minded artist friends and share art with the public at the Yaquina Art Gallery.

The Yaquina Art Association Gallery is located in Nye Beach at 789 NW Beach Drive. Hours of operation are 11 am to 5 pm every day. Interested in becoming a member of the Yaquina Art Association? We offer free classes, too. Please visit our gallery in Nye Beach for more. YAA has been serving over 130 local artists for over 75 years.

By Sylvia Hosie
Sylvia with “Owl Eyes”
“Quiet Water” by Luella Hartwell
“Deep in the Forest” by Luella Hartwell
“Lavender Splash” by Luella Hartwell