Yaquina Art Gallery Spotlight features Sylvia A. Hosie and Luella Hartwell, July 8 – July 21, 2023
Sylvia A. Hosie is a fine art photographer whose work ranges from travel to nature to equine. This show includes a number of new images of favorite subjects: birds and horses. Hosie uses the computer and today‘s photo editing software to give a looser, more stylized look to some of these images.
Also included will be intentional camera movement, ICM, images. This is a genre of photography where the photographer purposely moves the camera using a slow shutter speed. The results are a softer, more fluid image. Some are slightly impressionistic while others can be wildly abstract. Hosie describes it as “a lot of fun and the results often surprise you but it takes practice. Photography is my way to express myself creatively and to play. I am painting with a camera and having a blast.”
Sylvia Hosie has been a member of the Yaquina Art Association since 1984. Her work can be viewed online at sylvia-hosie.pixels.com and @sahosiephoto. Locally her photographs are at The Crow’s Nest in Toledo as well as at the Yaquina Art Center. Also the Shilo Resort and Convention Center has her coastal images on display.
Capturing a wave, a flower’s beauty, rustic barns from Oregon’s back roads, the many colors of tide pools, the peacefulness of forest roads, has been a quest and passion for Luella Hartwell. She uses pastel, acrylic, ink and watercolor to depict and preserve the beauty she encounters and enjoys. Living in Seal Rock for the past 26 years, and being a member of Yaquina Art Association have provided both education, wonderful friendships, and an unending source of inspiration.