People’s Choice Awarded at YAA Photographers April Show

News & Events

The votes are in and the winning image was a photograph from Ted Crego, YAAP president called Herding Sheep.  Second and Third place votes went to Laren Woolley for his Siuslaw Solitude and Thor’s Well.

Ted Crego took the award winning photograph in Peru last May as he was on a tour bus going to Machiu Picchiu.  The bus stopped and he got two shots off before his view was blocked. Laren Woolley shot his image Siuslaw Solitude in the fog at the Siuslaw River in Florence.  The third place image, Thor’s Well is located south of Cape Perpetua at a medium to high tide at sunset.

The YAAP (Yaquina Art Association Photographers) meet twice a month on the first and third Mondays upstairs in the Visual Art Center at 7 pm.  The next meeting (May 19) will be an opportunity to see images competing for Award of Merits and Honorable Mentions with over 200 images being submitted from Columbia Council of Camera Clubs (parts of Washington, Oregon, California and Idaho).  The YAAP will be judging those images.

"Herding Sheep" by Ted Crego

“Herding Sheep” by Ted Crego