Two week spotlight show featuring the art of Alice LaFond and Cody Cha
There will be a two week spotlight show featuring the art of Alice LaFond and Cody Cha. The show will be in the Yaquina Art Association Gallery in Nye Beach and is open from 11 am to 4 pm daily. The show will run from Monday, Dec. 2 through Dec. 14, 2014.
Alice is inspired by the beatuy of the Central Oregon Coast and is often challenged to capture subjects photographed by her husband, Richard. They have lived near Ona Beach in Seal Rock for over a decade after retiring and building their dream home there. An array of colored pencils stands like a bouquet awaiting Alice as she begins each picture. Sometimes the finished result has the look of a watercolor and other times, the look of a photograph. Alice is a member of the Yaquina Art association, the Yachats Art Guild, and the Lincoln City Cultural Center and has shown her work in all three venues. For many years, Alice has volunteered with the Coastal Arts Guild in staffing the Runyan Gallery and the Upstairs Gallery at the Visual Arts Center in Nye Beach. Alice feels her passion for colored pencil art growing daily.
Cody Cha is a member of the Yaquina Art Association Photographers and loves capturing landscapes through photography. His latest images captured the Aurora Borealis on the Oregon Coast at Pacific City and beautiful images of Mount Raineer National Park. He loves capturing images of the Oregon coast just after the sun sets. Cody believes strongly in giving back to the community and is very involved in the HELP portraits that provide pictures of families and individuals who might not normally be able to afford to have a portrait taken. He will be found photographing families and individuals locally on Dec. 7 & 8th from 1-4. For more info see helpportraitoregon.