Imaginative Art on Display at Yaquina Art Gallery
A collection of A.T. Ronan’s imaginative art is on display and available for purchase at the historic Yaquina Art Gallery in Nye Beach at the “turnaround” from August 13 through the 26. The gallery is open from 11 am to 5 pm daily in Newport.
After retiring from Oregon Coast Community College in July of 2013, A.T. Ronan taught herself the tricky art of painting on glass. Her next project was dyeing paper with blackberries, coffee beans, tea leaves, vegetables and even spices to apply to the painted vases and bottles.
Ronan then made a beach discovery that gave her an “aha” moment. She found roses that were preserved by the sea water. She attached the flowers to a small glass vase and magically, they kept their color. Thanks to this discovery and the encouragement of her husband, Ed, and many friends, there was no stopping the creative flow of ideas.
Ronan said, “Pursuing art gives me an endless joy of learning. It’s vast, like the ocean meeting the sky.”
Three-dimensional abstract colorful, fluid art is what Ronan is after. Her pallet favors iridescent blues and vibrant purples along with the cheerful yellow spectrum using varied painting methods and mediums. She includes seaweed, flowers and leaves, eggshells, tiny glass beads, sea shells, cut glass, silk material, tile pieces, paper in various forms and other things that catch her eye in her creations.
When asked what she’ll be doing next, Ronan said, “Well, a friend of mine gave me several boxes of beautiful stained glass so that’s on my list, I also want to learn more printing techniques and then there’s engraving; and new possibilities happen each day. Who knows what my show will be like next year.”

(L to R) Purple and blue diffuser bottle marbleized with gold, small votive holder with flower petals, large light blue translucent vase with big yellow flowers, rose petals, leaves and hand-made paper on bud vase, coffee stained paper with bamboo cut out figures on vase, cobra plant and paper on small vase, and cable knot decorated small blue on purple vase.