Category 'YAA Spotlight'

Happenings in the Local Arts Community.

YAA spotlight show featuring the art of Cynthia Jacobi and Jackie Treat from September 1-September 14th, 2012

There will be a YAA spotlight show featuring the art of Cynthia Jacobi and Jackie Treat from September 1-September 14th,…

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The Yaquina Art Association will be featuring the art of Cody Cha and Bob Beyer

The Yaquina Art Association will feature two artists for a two week spotlight show at the gallery located at 789…

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The Yaquina Art Association will be featuring the art of Jill Keck and Laren Woolley.

The Yaquina Art Association will be featuring the art of Jill Keck and Laren Woolley.  The show will begin on…

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Spotlight show Featuring Ted Crego and Donna McCoy

The Yaquina Art Association Gallery will feature photographers, Ted Crego and Donna McCoy, for a two week spotlight show from…

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Yaquina Art Association Spotlights Solveig Leslie and Luella Hartwell

The Yaquina Art Association Gallery is pleased to announce a two week spotlight for artists, Solveig Leslie and Luella Hartwell…

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