Category 'YAA Spotlight'

Happenings in the Local Arts Community.

Spotlight shines on Carol Phillips and Diana Perez-Moya

Painters Carol Phillips and Diana Perez-Moya will be featured artists at a 2 week spotlight show in the Yaquina Art…

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2 week Artisan Spotlight – Lanie Shimer

Lanie Shimer will be showing her copper and wood art in a 2 week Artisan Spotlight at the YAA gallery…

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Spotlight on Artisan, Tara Callaway

There will be a two week Artisan spotlight show featuring jewelry and rock lamps from Tara Callaway in the Yaquina…

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Timothy Benjamin and Patti Johnson featured artists

There will be a two week spotlight featuring artists Timothy Benjamin and Patti Johnson from March 7th through March 20th. …

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Yaquina Art Association pastel paintings exhibit opening Saturday, Feb. 21

The Yaquina Art Association will feature pastel paintings in an exhibit opening Saturday, Feb. 21 through March 6.  The gallery…

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