Category 'YAA Spotlight'

Happenings in the Local Arts Community.

Mark Cheney  and Christian Flores Munoz  are featured artists in a two week show

Mark Cheney  and Christian Flores Munoz  are featured artists in a two week show at the Yaquina Art Association Gallery…

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Artisan Spotlight at the YAA Gallery featuring the glasswork of Mary Young

There will be an Artisan Spotlight show at the YAA Gallery featuring the glasswork of Mary Young. The show will be…

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YAA Spotlights Painting Artists Patti Johnson and Jo Ann Campbell

March 19-April 1, 2016 the Yaquina Art Association will spotlight two painters at the gallery located at 789 NW Beach…

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Ann Nicholson in the Artisan Spotlight

The Yaquina Art Association will be featuring the art and crafts of member, Ann Nicholson, in the Artisan Spotlight from…

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Carol Summers and Nina Toepher will be the spotlight artists in a two week show

Watercolor artists’, Carol Summers and Nina Toepher will be the spotlight artists in a two week show at the Yaquina…

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