Category 'YAA Spotlight'

Happenings in the Local Arts Community.

Yaquina Art Gallery Spotlight Shows Featuring En-caustic Artist Bea Sands, Photographer B.J. Trotter, and Acrylic Painter Rosemary Sumner–October 7 to October 20

In a two week Spotlight Show from October 7th to October 20th, the Yaquina Art Association will be featuring En-Caustic…

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Yaquina Art Gallery Spotlight Shows featuring: Kate Alexander, the Pastel Class, and A.T. Ronan–September 23rd to October 6th

In a two week Spotlight Show from September 23rd to October 6th , the Yaquina Art Association will be featuring Oil Painter Kate…

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Artisan Spotlight Show Featuring Josephine Allen, Mark Adcock, and Mary Young at the Yaquina Art Gallery–September 9th to September 22nd

In a two week Spotlight Show from September 9th to September 22nd , the Yaquina Art Association will be featuring Acrylic…

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Yaquina Art Association Spotlight Shows featuring JerryLynn Woolley, Ann Nicholson, and Josephine Allen–August 26th to September 8th

In a two week Spotlight Show from August 26th to September 8th, the Yaquina Art Association will be featuring photographer JerriLynn…

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Yaquina Art Center Spotlight Shows featuring: Laren Woolley, Sylvia Hosie, and Anja Chavez–August 12th to August 25th

In a two week Spotlight Show from August 12th to August 25th, the Yaquina Art Center will be featuring photographer Laren Woolley,…

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