Category 'News & Events'

Happenings in the Local Arts Community.

Making and Taking Photos that Pop

The Yaquina Art Association Photographers will be holding a presentation on taking and improving images captured in photography. The YAAP…

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People’s Choice Awarded at YAA Photographers April Show

The votes are in and the winning image was a photograph from Ted Crego, YAAP president called Herding Sheep.  Second…

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 Preparing your Photographs BY: Photographers Vern Bartley, Newport, Oregon and Michael Anderson, West Linn, Oregon The Yaquina Art Association Photographers will…

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People’s Choice Winner Announced

Sheryl Eldridge’s photograph of the Yaquina Bay bridge at sunset won the People’s Choice Vote for the All Member show…

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YAA Photographers offer programs

The Yaquina Art Association Photographers will meet on April 7th at 7 pm with two guest speakers.  The programs will be…

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