Category 'News & Events'

Happenings in the Local Arts Community.

The 39th Yaquina Art Association Photographers Annual Show

The 39th Yaquina Art Association Photographers Annual Show will take place from Saturday April 1st through Friday April 28th, 2023…

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The 38th Yaquina Art Association Photographers Annual Show

The 38th Yaquina Art Association Photographers Annual Show will be from Saturday, April 2nd to Friday, April 29th, 2022, at…

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The 37th Yaquina Art Association Photographers Annual Show

The 37th Yaquina Art Association Photographers Annual Show will be from Monday August 2nd to Sunday September 5th, 2021 at…

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Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund helps Yaquina Art Association build a new beach access

The Yaquina Art Association is pleased to announce the completion of a replacement staircase to the beach at the South…

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Yaquina Art Association presents  Building Skills for Painters

The class dates are  March 18th and 25th and April 1st and 8th, Monday afternoons from 1 pm to 3…

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